Mountain Biking

Onepu Mountain Bike Park

Onepu Mountain Bike Track Map Length: 10.0 km

Located on State Highway 30, just 10 minutes outside of Kawerau, the Onepu Mountain Bike Park is on privately-owned land but is open to the public and, thanks to the generosity of Norske Skog Tasman.

The park is available free for the public to use for mountain biking, running or walking. It has four main trails to choose from which makes it a great place for all types of riders. The terrain is flat to rolling, which means there is only gentle climbing - even the smallest member of your group will make it around the trails. 

There are four main single-track MTB trails: 

  1. The Outback, which is a great entry and exit trail to the park 
  2. Pai's Pathway, which is a gentle climb up to the top of the ridge 
  3. Oh Mai-Mai, which is a shared-use trail for MTBers and walkers, and zig-zags down to Lake Tamurenui
  4. Hedgehog, which is a fun, downhill way to end your ride 

The Ridge Loop is a shared-use 4WD style track which offers an alternative way to connect the four main single-tracks while adding in some additional climbing and downhill. 

The Sandpit is BMX-style jumps that will keep the whole tribe happy. Get some big air or simply roll over the top. Either way it will put a smile on your dial! 

Once done with the biking, you can enjoy a walk around the Onepu Wetlands, which are beautifully framed with graceful boardwalks. 

The trails are a community project initiated by the Onepu Park Care Group on Norske Skog Tasman forestry land. It is provided for members of the public for mountain biking, walking and running. 

Norske Skog Tasman reserves all rights of access and use of the forest. 

Mountain biking has dangers. Proceed at your own risk, keep to the trail at all times and ride within your ability. Remove any valuables from your vehicle before you lock it. 

For enquiries regarding use of this land for /ecreational events or to report any suspicious activity, contact Norske Skog Tasman Security, 07 323 3999 (24hrs). In cases of emergency call 111.